We are the
It’s Great Out There Coalition

We help individuals and communities to explore the outdoors safely and responsibly, one Outdoor Activity Day at a time.

Our mission is to get Europe active in the outdoors and we work with people and organisations at the grass roots of society to achieve that, together delivering positive experiences that transform lives.

What we do is vital because people are moving less and less, and spending less and less time outside, harming their health and wellbeing.

62% of Europeans never or rarely take part in physical activity.
Eurobarometer: ‘2022, Special Eurobarometer N°525 on Sport and Physical Activity in Europe’
28.7% of boys and 26.5% of girls are overweight or living with obesity.
World Health Organisation: ‘2008, WHO Obesity Data and Statistics’
Minutes per week

Every move counts.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 150 minutes of physcial activity per week.
Source: ‘2020, WHO Physical Activity Guidelines’

€40 is all it takes to get one person active for the recommended weekly time.

Photo by Youth Hiking School

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Supported by over 50 organizations in Europe.


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